I understand the model's need for safety and privacy and the reason for the fake names and not willing to reveal your real location. But why is it that when I enter your room, one of the first questions you ask me is my name and where am I from, and when I answer and respond with similar question all I get is your username? It seems if you are not willing to share such basic information, then it should not be a question you ask of others.
I would like to hear some view points of some models please.
hi, a very interesting question
recently, a member only after a while said that on the day of our acquaintance he introduced himself with his real name, and it seemed strange to me. for the first time in my modeling experience ( 8 months) this happened just a couple of weeks ago. he explained this by saying that he thinks about his privacy - it's not about security.
what I think about this. why do models need real member contacts? in fact, there is nothing but a family connection, the more you know about the client, the more you give him attention, care and pleasure. models, on the contrary, may be at risk from "crazy" fans who merge private videos, who are looking for a model in all possible social networks. networks.
This is everyone's choice I believe