As premium members, we are all able to write reviews for a host (be it good or bad). F4F need to change this asap. I've noticed a particularly negative review of a camgirl who I've known to be great company for the past 2 years. Guy's, asking a girl 'twenty-questions' every time you go in her room and never tipping is likely to p*** off the girl, especially when you boast you wouldn't bother taking her private. Personally, I would prefer that to write a review you must have spent at least 10 minutes in private that way she can focus all the attention on you leading to a more honest review. if she's crap then at least your justified in saying what you say. Also, maybe ease of 'twenty-questions'. Your not the only one in the room who's doing that-another reason why they appear hacked off. Remember, your a customer on F4F, not an interrogator for the Secret Service!