The (bleeps) causing problems do it because they feel empowered and immune while they are hiding behind the screen - much like many of the aggressive drivers are when they’re behind the wheel of a large, powerful, LOCKED UP vehicle.
I’ve told numerous models - especially brand new or nearly new - that they should always remember that THEY control their room and the conduct in the room - the a**hole idiots don’t.
If the models would put a firm foot on the problem children and consistently enforce their standards of conduct, those individuals have to change their ways or change their locations. I recently saw a veteran model who clearly announced that begging without first tipping would result in ejection. She then did just that; there were no miscreants bothering her or those who were in the room for proper purposes. If a model is more carefree in style, she can establish and enforce her own standards of conduct. This will provide a place for those clients; viewers who disagree would be free to patronize more civil rooms.
I do not say any of this to defend or justify any sort of misconduct. But, if the front-line people - the models - will adopt a firmer hand, much of the problem behavior will disappear.
I have to be much more sympathetic to the new model who is often overwhelmed by learning how to use the systems in the room and overcoming their own uneasiness (sometimes even fear) of “What am I getting myself into?” and suddenly getting swamped by the sleazebags who flock to the rooms marked New specifically to take advantage of those women.
It is very obvious that the managers are not making any effort to prepare the newcomers for what they will encounter. I see badges on private files of most of the women who started in recent times about being graduates of ‘Flirt U’. Why is there not adequate instruction given about how to control the chat room?
Those of you who are crusading about this problem: Take a little time to watch out for the new ladies and be their guardians and behind the scenes friends. You will often quickly win the gratitude and friendship of those ladies and, as they talk among themselves, your reputation will spread - potentially benefitting you as well.
I have often entered a newcomer’s room and found her on the verge of tears as she is badgered relentlessly by a mob of abusers. Usually most of them are quickly silenced and go elsewhere if you tell them to ‘show their wallets’ when they are clamorous ng for ‘show this’, ‘show that’, etc. Tell them
“This is FLIRT for free, NOT SHOW for free.”
After the clamoring subsides, take a few moments to welcome the new lady, encourage her to remember she controls the room, give her some tips (this is best done with discreet whispers). If she is attractive or has some potential and you have time and credits, take her on her first private, being gentle and patient. She will long remember you fondly.
And did you know that F4F gives you bonus Flirt Reward points for doing private sessions with new models?
I’ve probably been on my soapbox too long. Yes, the powers that run F4F can and must do more to protect and support their most valuable resource - the women. But more immediate benefits will come from those who are encountering the problems firsthand.